Heaven's Disciples Network

Fan Social Network With Forums and Groups

Heaven's Disciples on Stage 32

I have a Heaven's Disciples page on Stage 32, a social network for people in the filmmaking industry.

I hope to collaborate with independent filmmakers and directors, actors, cameramen, cinematographers, 3D graphic designers, makeup artists, film musicians, and many more talents in the indie film industry on Stage 32.

If you are a Heaven's Disciples Pictures fan and are in the independent film industry, feel free to add me, HeavensDisciples, on Stage 32.

Heaven's Disciples Team on YouTube

youtube-reel_300x238I've created a YouTube channel for the Heaven's Disciples Team. This channel will host videos for the team and our potential recruits. I've begun engaging in discussions in the comments sections of YouTube videos that I find helpful in building our team.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for multimedia content related to our company, what we do, and where we are headed.

Heaven's Disciples Team on Google+

google-plus-logoI've created a Google+ page for the Heaven's Disciples Team. The purpose of this page is to learn, network, and build our team for continued success. I've already begun joining some Google+ communities related to leadership and team building.

I invite everyone with an interest in what we are doing to follow us on our Google+ page.

Update from Google

"In December 2018, we announced our decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019."

Heaven's Disciples Linked In Groups

linkedin-groupsHeaven's Disciples has 5 LinkedIn groups. If you would like to keep up with the news and updates concerning Heaven's Disciples, I invite you to join our LinkedIn groups:

  1. Heaven's Disciples
  2. Heaven's Disciples Music
  3. Heaven's Disciples Publishing
  4. Heaven's Disciples Games
  5. Heaven's Disciples Pictures